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Library Resources for CJ352

Unit 2: Discussion Topic

Topic 1: The Elderly

As the prison population ages, the costs of incarcerating older inmates will skyrocket. This, in turn, will strain correctional budgets and adversely impact correctional administrators' ability to provide essential services to the general prisoner population. Should inmates who are elderly be released from incarceration? Could services provided by other public agencies be tapped to meet the needs of inmates who are elderly? If so, which services might be invoked?

Reference statistics from the book, the website article "The Elderly in Prison," and the library article by Greene, Ahalt, Stijacic-Cenzer, Metzger, and Williams (2018) posted in the reading section.

Below are suggested keywords to try on the SEARCH page of this guide and in any of the suggested databases below.

  • special populations in prisons
  • special populations correctional facilities
  • older adult inmates
  • elderly inmates
  • aging inmate population

Suggested Library Databases

 Find statistics, reports, infographics, and more to support your research.


Finding Journal Articles and other Publications

To search for reputable journal articles, search ProQuest Criminal Justice, a subset of ProQuest Central that focuses just on the law enforcement-related journals provided by ProQuest. This helps focus your research and cuts out publication types unlikely to have good info on this topic like newspapers.

Finding Audio/Visual Materials 

Looking for more than just articles? Alexander Street Video and Films on Demand offer great visual material.