Topic: Dealing With Violent Inmates
Review the National Commission on Correctional Healthcare’s position statement and suggested measures to address how to deal with violent inmates. Choose one of the five suggested measures and present a plan for dealing with violent inmates that meet the NCCH’s position statement.
Your discussion should identify and explain specific policies to address the measure you chose. How difficult will this be to implement in a correctional institution? Keep in mind that to become accredited by NCCH, you need to have specific policies in place to ensure you are addressing the measures they outline.
Below are suggested keywords to try on the SEARCH page of this guide and in any of the suggested databases below.
Finding Journal Articles and other Publications
To search for reputable journal articles, search ProQuest Criminal Justice, a subset of ProQuest Central that focuses just on the law enforcement-related journals provided by ProQuest. This helps focus your research and cuts out publication types unlikely to have good info on this topic like newspapers.
Finding Articles in Reference Sources - Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Looking for a great database to begin your research? Credo Reference and Gale eBooks provides simple topic overviews.
Finding Audio/Visual Materials
Looking for more than just articles? Alexander Street Video and Films on Demand offer great visual material.