Data & Statistics

Best Bets for Data, Statistics, & Graphics

Company & Industry Data

Data and statistics on companies and industries is a common request. These sources provide thoroughly researched and robust informational reports with a focus on companies (Mergent Online) and industries (IBISWorld). 

Statistics & Graphics Resources on the Web

In most web search engines, including Google, you can add site: before either a specific address (ex: or domain (ex: gov, org, or edu).  For example:

motor vehicle theft rates site:gov

Example Google search

The U.S. federal government is a large publisher of statistics and many basics statistics researchers and businesses rely on come from them, especially from the U.S. Census.  For most basic statistics, limiting your search with site:gov will help limit your results to factual, reliable sources.

You can also visit individual department or organization websites that offer statistics in a particular area. For direct access to some frequently used data hubs, visit the links below.

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