Use the resources on this page to help you find credible sources to support your research.
Team Assignment
For this assignment, you and your peers are deciding on the proper sentence for the following case. Your response will include the initial sentence through the completion of time served to include a follow-up plan based on restorative justice ideas. This assignment consists of formal Discussion Board postings and a PowerPoint presentation to be submitted by one team member.
Case Details
Your Assignment:
As a team, you will sentence Joe to his initial punishment using a sentencing model and a goal of criminal sentencing. Keep in mind part of this assignment is to suggest a follow-up program for Joe using the principles of restorative justice. You will explain how you will manage the program to ensure the principles are addressed.
You will have three main items to address:
Visit the unit assignment area for more details about additional requirements
Use the resources on this page to help you respond to the points of your presentation.
Below are suggested keywords to try on the SEARCH page of this guide and in any of the suggested databases below.
Finding Journal Articles and other Publications
To search for reputable journal articles, search ProQuest Criminal Justice, a subset of ProQuest Central that focuses just on the law enforcement-related journals provided by ProQuest. This helps focus your research and cuts out publication types unlikely to have good info on this topic like newspapers.
Finding Articles in Reference Sources - Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Looking for a great database to begin your research? Credo Reference and Gale eBooks provides simple topic overviews.
Finding Audio/Visual Materials
Looking for more than just articles? Alexander Street Video and Films on Demand offer great visual materials.