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Guide to Creating Reading Lists

Why are Library Database Links special?

With few exceptions, you can link to items in the PG Library's databases in a reading list and most databases have sharing features built into their platforms.  For most databases though, there are some best practices to follow to find the best link to share. 

The  directions on this page will show you how to find the correct link to use within EBSCO databases, ProQuest databases, Gale eBooks, Ovid,  O'Reilly, and others.

Please note these tools and directions are for linking to specific items within a database. To find links to a database's homepage, visit the Databases A-Z hub. 

OpenAthens Link Generator

Several databases, like Mergent, Academic Writer, and Statista require using OpenAthen's Link Generator tool to create a durable URL. We have embedded a customized version of the tool. Use this tool to create durable links to resources that don't have a native share or linking tool in their interface.


Note: The link generator tool cannot convert EZProxy ( links. You must first find the link using the new library website and OpenAthens authentication. 

Alexander Street (Academic Video Online)

Click on the Share button, then copy the link from the Via Permalink option. 

Share tool location in Alexander Street

APA Academic Writer

Copy the URL from your browser's address bar, or take it out from the code within the Embed Link tool. Then, paste the URL into the OpenAthens Link Generator tool to create a link you copy into classrooms.

For example, you might find a URL like this in Academic Writer:


Copying the URL from Academic Writer into the OpenAthens link generator will produce a link like this:

Note that while the address bar link should work, the link from the Embed Link tool will open the tutorial in full screen, which may be a better user experience. 

Credo InfoLit

Credo InfoLit videos, tutorials, and quizzes have very specific links. Most Credo InfoLit content is linked to on the Research Skills Videos & Tutorials section of our website. You can right-click any link there, then copy and paste the link into Brightspace or any document you need the link. Alternatively, we have a spreadsheet with all links to all items uploaded below. These links do not need any alteration to function. 

Credo Reference & Infobase databases

After opening an item you want to use, click the Copy Link button in the bar running across the top of the page. Clicking the button should copy the link to your clipboard and you can then paste it anywhere.

Copy Link location in Credo Reference and Infobase databases

EBSCO Discovery Service

The new EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) platform offers a Share tool to generate the most durable link back to an item. While you can usually copy and share the URL from your address bar using EDS, using the Share tool is the best way to share a link, especially if the link needs to be robust and work over a long period of time, like from a classroom. 

To find the best link back to an item, locate the Share tool when either viewing the detailed record for an item or after you've opened it, if the full text is provided by EBSCO. The Share tool button looks like a curved arrow, pointing to the right. 

Location of the Share tool from the detailed record page (the informational page including the title, author, date published, abstract, etc.):

Screenshot showing location of Share tool on the detailed record page

Location of the share tool after opening the full text of an item: 

Screenshot of Share tool location when full text is opened

Once you've clicked on the Share tool, you'll see several options. Click Create Link, then Copy to clipboard to then paste the link in an email, discussion board, Word or Google Doc, learning management system, or wherever you need to share it. 

Screenshot of Share tool's generate link feature


Tip: Some older EBSCO book titles have a limit of 1 or 3 simultaneous users, and were purchased in or before 2010. However, we have tens of thousands of titles from both EBSCO and other vendors that allow unlimited user access. The number of simultaneous users allowed is on the informational detailed record page for any EBSCO title. This limitation does not affect any other platform, like ProQuest or O'Reilly.

Films on Demand

Films on Demand has a linking tool, but the link needs some help to function correctly, as there is some syntax in the URL that needs cleaning up. Use the OpenAthens Link Generator tool here and copy in the URL

Make sure there is no mention of "" in the final URL. The Link Generator should omit it. 

To find the link from Films on Demand, click on the Share tool, then copy the URL from the Embed/Link tab.

FOD share link location

Gale eBooks

To link to any page within any Gale title, click Get Link. After clicking Get Link, you'll see a URL back to the document (beneath or at the end of the citation).  Additionally, clicking the Cite tool usually also procures a URL, depending on the chosen citation style.  

Animated GIF showing the Get Link tool in Gale eBooks.


After opening an item, click the chainlink button to see a pop-up with the link. Then, copy the link and paste it into the OpenAthens Link Generator linking tool. Even though HeinOnline has its own persistent link tool, the resulting link needs help from the Link Generator tool to function correctly.

HeinOnline linking tool button


For IBISWorld, copy the URL from the address bar, then enter it into the OpenAthens Link Generator tool. 

For example, the URL in the address bar would look like:

Copy this into the generator and you should see an output like this:

IGI Global

  • Go to the Publication Finder tool.
  • Search for the book's title or ISBN, then click the link to it in IGI Global.
  • Copy the URL from the web address bar.
  • Paste the URL into the link generator form to Open Athens-ize it. 

Mergent Online

Like some other databases, you can copy the URL from your browser's address bar and then run it through the OpenAthens Link Generator to create a durable URL. 


O'Reilly's ebooks and videos can be linked to using the URL from the address bar, but the URL needs to be edited.  For more information, including a tool that will adapt the link for you, see the Library's Guide to O'Reilly. 

Please note, the URL should end with the ISBN. If it has more information than that, as O'Reilly sometimes does depending on usage, please omit the remaining characters in the URL past the ISBN when using the linking tool. 

One more thing: Because O'Reilly links are so complicated, the PG Library staff is happy to create any of these for you! 


Ovid has two interfaces.

Classic interface (Domain of

To link back to an article in Ovid, first open the article you want to use. Then, click the Email Jumpstart link in the Tools menu to find the permanent URL to use. You can copy the link from here, or use the Email Jumpstart form to send a link to your email. 

Email jumpstart link location and example generated URL.


New interface (Domain of

  1. Click the Share tool button (open triangle with small circles at each point).
  2. Then, click the Copy Link... button for either the book or article. 

New Ovid interface share tool

Once you have the URL from Ovid's Share tool, use the OpenAthens Link Generator to Athens-ize it. 

ProQuest Databases

There is a Copy URL button once you have a document open in ProQuest. Typically, it is in the upper righthand corner next to the Download PDF, Cite, Print, and All Options buttons. Simply click the Copy URL button and the URL will be copied to your clipboard. 

ProQuest's Copy URL button

You can also often find the Document URL in ProQuest databases by clicking the Cite button, however, any item with a DOI will show the DOI instead of the Document URL. It is also in the Abstract/Details area. 

ProQuest eBook Central

ProQuest eBook Central has its own interface, separate from other ProQuest content. You can copy a link to any ebook by clicking the Share Link to Book button, then copying the URL presented.

Animated GIF showing the Share Link to Book location in eBook Central.


NOTE: As of January 2024, Skillsoft is still on the EZProxy authentication system. A tentative cutover date to OpenAthens is TBD. After the cutover, all links will have to change to a different URL format. 

A durable, persistent link is available for sharing content in Skillsoft.  To find the link:

  • From the results list, click the down arrow next to the Launch button, then select Share.

GIF image of Share tool from results list in Skillsoft Books.

  • If you have already opened a book or video, click ">>" in the toolbar, then the share symbol from there. 

GIF depicting share options from book or video toolbar in Skillsoft Books.


Since Statista uses OpenAthens as a proxy, there is some syntax in the URL from the address bar that needs cleaning up. Use the OpenAthens Link Generator tool here and copy in the URL. This should result in a link that looks like the following, for example:

Make sure there is no mention of "" in the final URL. The Link Generator should omit it. 

Note that Statista has more generous usage rights than our other resources and you can often embed a chart, graphic, or other content within Brightspace without linking to the library page where you found it. If you have questions about generating a link or usage rights to Statista contact, please contact us. 

Writer's Reference Center

Click the Record URL link, then copy the link from the pop-up. No editing necessary, link will work as-is. 

Other Databases

Notes on other databases:

  • Currently we can't directly link to any documents from Westlaw Campus Research. Provide citations to documents from this database instead.
  • For the DSM Library, just direct students to the entry URL ( and tell them what to research from the homepage.
  • We can't provide examples for each database here.  For all other databases, look for similar tools.  They are typically named things like Share, Persistent Link, or Permament Link, just like in the examples for EBSCO and ProQuest above.  
  • If you have a question, please contact us! We're more than happy to help you generate the correct URL to use in the classroom.