Looking for a scholarly Wikipedia alternative? Credo Reference offers over 2,000,000 reference entries from all the major academic subject areas to offer a great starting point for your research! Tons of images, audio files, videos and full text articles on a comprehensive list of topics, all with full citations.
Use this link to search all of the Library's EBSCO subscriptions, including Academic Search Complete, Business Source Ultimate, CINAHL Ultimate, Computers & Applied Sciences Complete, MEDLINE Ultimate, and PsycARTICLES. This differs from EBSCO Discovery Service, since it only searches licensed materials from EBSCO. This link also leads to EBSCO's older interface.
With O’Reilly online learning, you get on-demand access to over 35,000+ books, 30,000+ videos, case studies, and interactive learning scenarios, enabling you to improve your knowledge and proficiency in a comprehensive list of areas in business and IT.
This link brings together ProQuest's four core multi-disciplinary products – ProQuest Central, Academic Complete, Academic Video Online and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global– and creates a cross-searchable, all-in-one research tool on the same user-friendly, responsive, mobile-enabled ProQuest platform. ProQuest supports your research needs by incorporating scholarly journals, ebooks, dissertations, news, and video content across all disciplines in a unified and seamless user interface.
Statista is a leading provider of market and consumer data, offering users over 1 million statistics on 80,000 topics and 170 industries, consolidated from over 22,000 sources. Find statistics, reports, infographics, and more to support your research. Features user-friendly interface and features to help you integrate charts, graphs, and other visuals into your reports and presentations. While the datasets are multidisciplinary in overall breadth, there are also several country, company, and industry data sets and reports.
Westlaw Campus Research includes analytical sources like American Jurisprudence 2d, American Law Reports, 800+ law reviews and journals, and primary law sources like USCA, CFR, Federal Register, and all federal, state, and Supreme Court cases.