For resources like videos, tutorials, and quizzes on library research and information literacy, visit the Support section of the Library's website.
Besides using EBSCO Discovery Service, you can go directly to other vendors' resources. The following databases and database collections are multidisciplinary and allow linking to specific items within your course.
With O’Reilly online learning, you get on-demand access to over 35,000+ books, 30,000+ videos, case studies, and interactive learning scenarios, enabling you to improve your knowledge and proficiency in a comprehensive list of areas in business and IT.
SAGE Research Methods contains information suited to all levels of researchers, from beginners starting their first projects to the most senior faculty. Content includes dictionary and encyclopedia entries, book chapters, full books, articles, videos, and the complete Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences (Little Green Books) and Qualitative Research Methods series (Little Blue Books). You also have access to a project planner and modules on foundational concepts and data visualization.
The below list includes every database Library users have access to, as well as select open access resources, in alphabetical order.