For this discussion, you need to define probation and respond to the following:
What crimes should probation be utilized for and what crimes should not be? Substantiate your thoughts with research and discuss why you are of this opinion. If you were a probation officer, what types of conditions would you set for those who you were supervising? Explain in detail why these conditions are important.
The suggested keywords below can be tried on the SEARCH page of this guide and in any addditional database like ProQuest, Gale eBooks, and in Credo Reference.
You may also want to research parole statistics in the Library database Statista. Statista is an excellent database offering over 1 million statistics on 80,000 topics.
In the database, search recidivism data or search United States parole data in general. See the screenshot below:
Additional keyword suggestions inlcude:
Using the quotation marks tells the database to look for the words close together.