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Library Resources for CJ101

Suggested Resources

Topic: Cameras in the Courtroom

After reading the U.S. Courts document linked below, you must answer the following:

  • In what ways might pretrial news coverage be damaging to the objective outcome of a criminal trial?
  • Given the emphasis that society places on freedom of the press and freedom of speech, do you believe that judges should be allowed to issue gag rules restricting the ability of trial participants to discuss a case outside of court?
  • Do you think video cameras should be permitted in criminal courtrooms? Why or why not?

Review the additional resources on this page to help you research for this discussion.

Suggested keywords to help you research this topic.

  • cameras in the courtroom 
  • history of cameras in the courts 
  • pretrial publicity criminal trial 
  • gag rules 
  • courtroom cameras criminal trials

These searches can be done on the Search page of this guide (EBSCO) or in ProQuest.


Don't forget that the PG Library provides databases containing academic video resources.