Statista is known for its data visualizations. However, their researchers and analysts present data in other forms, too. You can choose from a range of options, from charts to complete industry reports and in-depth analyses of data collected by Statista. Here are the different content types available:
There are several ways to find content on the Statista platform. You can either browse topics through the navigation bar or directly use the search. The search field can be found both on the home page and at the top right of every page. Both will direct you to the search results page, on which all results are displayed. Here you have several options to further narrow your search.
On the left you can filter results by content type. You only want to see statistics? Just click on Statistics. All other areas will automatically be unselected. Selecting multiple checkboxes lets you search multiple content types at the same time. Click on Refresh search after you have made your selection.