Searching in Statista is straightforward.
Enter the desired keyword directly into the search field (for example, "marketing"). The search will present all results for this term. For a single keyword, all statistics matching this keyword will be listed. If you enter two keywords, only the statistics containing both terms will be shown.
There will be multiple statistics on the same topic. The resulting statistics are gathered from multiple sources, and as a result, many similar statistics on the same topic will be presented.
You may narrow your search by using the filter functions on the left of side of the search results.
Examples of applicable filters may include the date of publication, region as well as the category of a statistic.
For most topics, only the latest statistics are published. If you are searching for statistics on a particular time period, you may sort the results by clicking "date of publication" in the "sort by" filter located directly underneath the search field.
Below the search results are search suggestions related to the search you had done. Click on one of those to be taken to those search resutls.
Note that Statista is regularly updated so some interface features may look different from the current version, but the general navigation, features, and search tips in this video will still be applicable.