Search results will look familiar to anyone who has used Google before. However, as this is an academic research tool, there are some things to consider and different tools available to you.
On the left side, there are a limited number of filters available to quickly resort results. From there, you can:
By default, clicking an article's title will typically lead you to where the article was published. When trying to find the full-text of an article, be aware of the following:
You can limit your results to items Google Scholar can find a PDF copy of by adding filetype:pdf to the end of your search. This may filter out some full text, including some items available via the PG Library, but is a quick way to narrow down your results to those immediately available in a pinch.
Underneath the abstract or excerpt for each article, you'll see a single line with a list of options. The two left-most are likely the most useful to the majority of users: