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Guide to Google Scholar

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What is Google Scholar?

The search results you see in Google Scholar are different from your typical Google search.  Instead of websites, news, images, and shopping, Google Scholar presents citations to academic research from journals and other published sources.  It also has a mode you can select to review case law.  in this way, it is similar to EBSCO Discovery Service from the PG Library website, in that its aim is to connect you to relevant academic research papers. 

What can I find in it?

Examples of Content:

Academic Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Conference papers
Case Law
Dissertations & Theses

Google Scholar and the PG Library

Why use Google Scholar over the EBSCO Discovery Service and the PG Library's other databases?  Or vice versa?  It's better to look at Google Scholar as complementary to the resources you can find in the PG Library, instead of in competition with them.  What you choose to use will depend on your information needs as well as personal preferences.  A brief summary of key differences and features is listed below.

EBSCO Discovery Service and the PG Library:

  • By default, only shows results you have access to immediately to save you time.
  • Has easily accessible additional search modes, filters, and tools.
  • Content is selected and acquired based on PG curriculum and learning needs. 
  • Links to a wider variety of sources, including the full text of books.  
  • Can save citations and searches to a free My EBSCOhost account. 
  • Can search the native interfaces of specific specialized databases like Westlaw Campus Research or Skillsoft Books for additional sources and tools. 

Google Scholar:

  • Searches widest array of publications it can. 
  • Offers Library link integration to show you when full text is available from the PG Library.  
  • Familiar, simple Google interface.
  • Fewer filters and options to aid research, but also less "busy" than some library databases.
  • Can save citations to your Google account. 
  • Search results by their nature will link to many citations that are behind a paywall and require purchase or request through the Library's document delivery service.

How do I access it?

Access Google Scholar anytime with this link: