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Guide to the University Archive

Submission Process

To submit your work, fill out the University Archive Submission Form.  The submission form includes required fields, a tool to upload any associated files, and a non-exclusive license that gives the PG Library permission to add your work to the archive. This form is also linked to on this guide for your convenience (find the link to the form in the guide menu). 

After a submission is received, the designated Community Advisor and/or PG Library staff will review for inclusion.  Submissions may be sent back for revision or the contributor contacted for more information.  Once accepted, the work is then made available on the PGUA.

Materials than can be contributed

Publication types

Individual communities and collections will vary on what is accepted, but in general, that can include:

  • Scholarly articles
  • Working papers
  • White papers
  • Books chapters
  • Articles published in trade or other types of periodicals
  • Conference proceedings
  • Presentation slides and abstracts (Please note: For external presentations only at this time; PG Village and other PG-hosted conference materials will be collected by conference organizers and/or by-invitation-only for now) 
  • OER Teaching Materials you have created


The software that powers the PGUA supports most filetypes, including:

  • PDF
  • Microsoft Office files like Word (.docx) and PowerPoint (.pptx)
  • Image files like GIF, JPEG, or PNG.  

However, these lists are representative and not exhaustive.  If you have any questions about what you can submit, please ask us. 

Limits on works

  • Submitters must be listed as the sole or a primary author of the work.
  • Submitted work should have been produced while at Purdue Global and scholarly articles and presentations must mention PG as the university in which you are a faculty member. 
  • Submitting work produced while the university was known as Kaplan University is also acceptable. 
  • Work not mentioning the university in non-scholary works can be accepted if the publication (trade publication, for example) does not offer a venue to do so. 
  • Work should be academic in nature.  

Full text policy

The intention of the PGUA is to provide access to the scholarly output of our community. As such, we no longer accept abstract-only submissions.

Some notes on this policy:

  • If you're not sure you can share the full text of your work, please contact us. We can help you figure it out! 
  • In the case of presentations, a slide deck is required. 
  • For video-only content, where the video file is hosted may be on a case-by-case basis. In any case, the link should be public. 


Works are organized by communities and collections.  Communities are entities like schools or colleges at the university, and collections are groups of works of a similar type, like faculty scholarly articles.  

Community Expectations & Reminders

A thriving repository demands collaboration.  To help set expectations and facilitate success, the below lists outline major responsibilities and tasks or things to consider for each group.  

Contributor responsibilities

  • Submit your scholarly work produced at the university to the PGUA.  This resource does not exist without your contributions! 
  • Review your author’s rights to republish your work in the archive. 
  • Provide correct information about the work, including title, all contributing authors, abstract, and descriptive keywords to aid users in finding your work on the PGUA website.  
  • If your scholarly work was produced in collaboration with others, work with your co-authors to send a single submission.  

Librarian responsibilities

  • Provide and maintain access to the PGUA website and system.
  • Develop and revise PGUA policies with our scholarly community. 
  • Assist Community Advisors in editing and approving submissions. 
  • Answer questions from contributors
  • Advise on copyright and self-archiving/re-publishing rights.

Withdrawal Policy

Withdrawal of content after submission and acceptance is discouraged.  Should a party wish for an item added to the PGUA be removed for legal, ethical, or other concerns, please reach out to university library staff with details about your particular case and reasons.  Please note that if contributors leave PG, any submitted work will remain a part of the PGUA.