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Library Resources for GB570

Best Bets for Company Research

The primary tool for company research is Mergent Market Atlas and we recommend going here first for any company research needs. Additionally, Statista also includes a "Company DB" section and other tools with company information. After that, if you need more or have different company information needs, see the "Finding Company Information Elsewhere in the Library" section for tips and resources.

Finding Company Information Elsewhere in the Library

Business Source Ultimate and ProQuest both have company information as well, which are typically presented as downloadable reports in PDF format. These can be good if you need a quick all-in-one report on company basics and don't need a deep dive into the company details that Mergent provides. Another way to look at it: EBSCO may give you a SWOT analysis, while Mergent gives you the information necessary to create your own.

Below are the steps to gain access. 

Business Source Ultimate (and EBSCO Discovery Service)

To navigate to Business Source Ultimate:

Step 1 Click on All Databases on the Library homepage.

Step 2. From the list of databases, select Business Source Ultimate

Step 3. In the database, click on Company Information at the top, then type in a company name to browse reports.

Alternative Step 3. Additionally, you can type in a company name along with the phrase "Company profile" to see PDF documents, some very lengthy, on the company. This also works using EBSCO Discovery Service, the search box on our homepage. 

EDS search for Netflix "Company profile"


Step 1 Click on All Databases on the Library homepage.

Step 2From the list of databases, select ProQuest

Step 3. In the database, select Browse:

ProQuest Central Browse example

Step 4. Select Company Reports from the Business Featured Content area and search Hoovers Company Records or ProQuest Annual Reports Collection to browse company information.

Company Reports search example