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Nursing Library Orientation

Searching in the Library


Below are steps and screen shots to walk you through a sample search in the library.  Along with other search suggestions.
In the search box on the library's homepage, put:  falls geriatric psychiatric
Click on Peer Reviewed Doing this means that the results will be limited to peer reviewed (scholarly) articles
Click on Search.
Even if the articles don't quite fit your topic or are a bit too old, take a look at the subject headings.  Those can be used as search terms. 
For example, for the article below, there are a couple of subject headings that jump out:
Accidental Falls Risk Factors
Risk Assessment
Aged, 80 and Over
See below....
To turn these into search terms, put them into quotation marks.  Using quotation marks means that those words are more likely to be searched for together.
"Risk Assessment"
"Aged: 80 and older" 
The last one is a bit long.  Just using part of it could be helpful:
"Accidental Falls Risk Factors"
"accidental falls"
Mix and match them to try new searches:
"Risk Assessment" "accidental falls" "Aged: 80 and older"