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Guide to Films on Demand

Linking to a Video

A durable, persistent link is available for sharing any video within Films on Demand.  To find the link:

  • Below a video you want to share, click the Share link.
  • Email the link using the default menu that appears, or click the Embed/Link tab to copy a link for pasting in Brightspace or elsewhere.

You can also copy the link from the address bar and it should work, but for the most durability of the link, we recommend using the share tool.

Note that only members of Purdue Global, including all students, faculty, and staff, will be able to access the link. 

FOD embed/link menu

Cite tool

The Cite tool is also on the video playback page.  APA is one of the options.  Like all auto-generated options, make sure to compare the citation to APA Style 7th Edition rules for citing a video.  There may be some edits needed. For an example, see this example from Academic Writer. 

FOD other tools menu including Cite option

Other tools

The "Add to," "Segments," and "Your Profile" tools allow users looking for advanced features to save and edit video content over several sessions.  Usage requires signing up for a free personal account, requiring an email and user-generated password. For more information on some of these features, see the video tutorials from the vendor.