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Library Resources for MT460

Best Bets for Information about Countries

The following research databases include country and economic statistics, in addition to their primary focus. Most tools we have in the PG Library don't focus just on country data, but instead provide country information as a part of their overall package of content. 

Finding Country Information Elsewhere in the Library

You can also search for country (economic) reports in Business Source Ultimate and ProQuest.

Below are steps to access both databases

Business Source Ultimate

Step 1: Click on the All Databases link on the homepage.

Step 2: Select the Business Source Ultimate database in the list of databases shown.

Step 3: Enter the name of a country in the first search box, then enter country report (or economic report) in the second search box.


Step 1: Click on the All Databases link on the homepage (see above):

Step 2: Select ProQuest in the list of databases shown:

Step 3: In the database, select Browse:

ProQuest Centrral Browse example

Step 4. Select Country Reports from the Business Featured Content area and search various resources including EIU Country Data and OxResearch Country Profiles

Country reports example