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Library Resources for GB525

Best Bets for Industry Research

Locating Other Industry Profiles in the PG Library

To find industry profiles in the Library, search in Business Source Ultimate or ProQuest.

Business Source Ultimate

Step 1: Click on the All Databases link on the homepage. 

Step 2: Select the Business Source Ultimate database in the list of databases shown.

Step 3: Enter industry profile in the first box and change the drop-down menu to SO Publication Name.

               In the 2nd box enter an industry name.

               In the 3rd box enter a country if you want.

Industry Profile search example

Step 4: You may further narrow the results by clicking on anything on the left side of the results page

Narrow results example


Step 1: Click on the All Databases link on the homepage.

Step 2: Select ProQuest in the list of databases shown

Step 3. In the database, select Browse:

Browse ProQuest Central example

Step 4. Select Industry and Market Research from the Business Featured Content area and search various resources including BMI Industry Reports and the Snapshot Series Industry Reports:

Industry and Market Research search example