Discussion Topic 1
Discussion Topic 2
Use the resources on this page to answer the Unit 9 Discussion topics.
Topic 1: Psychological Perspective
In your first primary reading, “A psychoanalytic perspective on victims of domestic violence and coercive control.” (Brandy & Rudden, 2020), the authors describe psychological perspectives. Explain your view on the psychological perspective and argue either for or against this perspective based on your learning so far in this course.
Below are some suggested keywords to try on the Find page of this guide and in the suggested databases below.
Topic 2: Theories of Intimate Partner Violence
In your second primary reading, “Intimate Partner Violence: An Overview of the Existing Theories, Conceptual Frameworks, and Definitions” (Gulina, Tikhomandritskaya, & Burelomova, 2018), the authors argue their research cannot narrow the reasons for domestic violence to only one theory. Part of the reason for that is the difficulty in defining “violence.” In your Discussion Board post, (a) explain your understanding of self-directed violence, interpersonal violence, and collective violence and (b) explain which of the three contribute more to domestic violence in the United States and why.
Below are some suggested keywords to try on the Find page of this guide and in the suggested databases below.
The last three search suggestions can also be modified with the additional phrase domestic violence. For example:
"interpersonal violence" domestic violence
You can also replace the words domestic violence with the words intimate partner violence.
Using the quotation marks tell the database to search the words together. You can use quotation marks around any group of words to see how the search results differ.