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Library Resources for MT140


This Library research guide contains resources and information designed to help you complete assignments specific to MT140. Use the menu on the left to navigate through the guide.

  • Finding Hoover's Company Records contains information about finding company profiles using Hoover's Company Profiles and other resources.
  • Find Articles, E-Books, & More provides access to Library's all-in-one search tool EBSCO Discovery Service and searches content from many publishers across most of our article databases and collections. This page also links to other popular business databases.
  • More Company, Industry, & Country Information Sources provides information and links to additional databases and research tools like Mergent Online and Statista. 

Additionally, you'll find the following that are common elements of almost all library guides: 

  • Access an alphabetical list of all the Library's databases on the Databases A-Z page.
  • Get APA citation help and access Academic Writer (which contains APA examples, templates, and other tools for researching your topic, writing your paper, and citing your sources) on the APA & Writing page. 
  • Access videos & tutorials, subject guides, commonly asked questions from the Support Hub, and Librarian assistance from the Library Support page.