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Library Resources for CM107


For most students, the primary way you will use the PG Library's resources in this course is in fulfilling the requirement of finding 3-4 peer reviewed articles in support of your arguments in the final paper. However, early on you can choose between a "blog, peer reviewed journal article, or report" in your field of study to analyze.  We recommend using this opportunity to find a peer reviewed article in the PG Library early on, as it will help you familiarize yourself with what peer reviewed journals are, how to find articles from them, and how to read them (yes, it's a little different!) 

On this page, you'll find a series of videos to help you complete your assignment requirements.  

Why and How to find peer reviewed articles

In CM107, you'll have the option to choose peer reviewed articles before being required to later in the course. This video reviews why and when to choose peer reviewed articles and how to limit your results to only articles from peer reviewed journals in the PG Library. 

More Videos about Peer Reviewed Articles

Additionally, check out these videos for more on what "peer review" even is and how to read a scholarly article, which makes up the majority of peer reviewed articles.