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Library Resources for CM107

Video Introduction

Watch our introduction to the library video below to discover what services and resources the PG Library offers you during your studies.  

Using the Big Box: EBSCO Discovery

The big box on the PG Library's homepage leads to search results in EBSCO Discovery.  EBSCO Discovery's basic search tools are embedded on the homepage for quick access. 

Here you can enter search words or phrases and click the Search button to see a list of results where all of the words you entered appear.  The search box also has additional basic search options: You can change the default Keywords option to Title or Author only or you can filter your search to only peer reviewed research.

Animated GIF showing a search for "critical thinking" on the Library homepage

EBSCO Discovery's Results Page

Annotated screenshot of EBSCO Discovery search results. The annotations are numbers that correspond with the list on this page.

When using the embedded search box from the Library homepage, results will load in a new browser window or tab.  There are many options on the results list page, but here are the most essential options at-a-glance: 

  1. Search Bar: Your current keywords are in the search bar at the top and can be changed at any time.
  2. Filters: This space lists all of your current search options and filters. Quick access is available to the Peer Reviewed, date filters ("All time" dropdown), and publication type ("Source type"). Click "All Filters" to see additional options.
  3. Advanced Search: Click for a more fully featured search mode with more options, like limiting keywords to the title or author fields.
  4. Publications & Research Starters: Available for the most popular topics, Research Starters provides quick access to an overview article and links users to related information and detailed bibliographies. The Publication box features a book or journal with a similar or exact name to your keywords, if there is a match. Neither box appears for every search, but they are common for simpler one-word or phrase searches like in this example search for "critical thinking."
  5. Results List: Lists can include books, news or magazine articles, peer reviewed research, and many other publication types.  
  6. More like this: See additional items of a similar nature. 
  7. Bookmark: Quickly bookmark the item for access later. To see bookmarks, click "Saved" under "My Dashboard."
  8. Chat: Contract Library staff for help while searching. Additionally, there may be links to guides and FAQs about your search. 
  9. My Dashboard: Access saved items and searches. You can also create project folders to save items in or see recently viewed items.
  10. Research tools: Restart your search with General Search, or use the Publications, Concept Map, and Supplemental Source tools to refine or expand your search. 
    • Publications: Search for book, video, and journal titles only (ex: "New York Times.")
    • Concept Map: Enter a search builder tool to help you find and brainstorm related ideas, subjects, phrases, and search words that you can add to your search strategy. 
    • Supplemental Sources: Links to other databases like ProQuest, Westlaw, and Mergent Online. Especially useful when you want to dive into a specific tool or access material from databases not covered much in EBSCO Discovery results.
  11. Quick Links: Links back to the PG Library website and Ask a Librarian services. 
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