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Persuasive Essay Research

The Research Process

Before you begin researching for your persuasive topic, be sure to review The Research Process guide linked below.

Persuasive Essay

The PG Writing Center has a helpful resource about developing your persusasive essay.

The Persuasive Essay

Throughout your academic career, you will engage in various activities to help build written communication skills. Developing effective written communication will better enable you to share ideas, values, and opinions, and will be an essential asset that you carry over into your professional career. 

This guide contains resources and tutorials to assist you in developing an effective persuasive essay. 

Keep in mind that an effective persuasive essay begins with a strong and arguable/debatable thesis statement. An arguable thesis avoids the "duh" reaction. For example, if your main idea is something generally agreed upon (e.g., schools should not tolerate bullying), then there is no need to persuade your audience with your argument. 

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