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EBN Pyramid

Evidence Based Nursing Pyramid


Systematic Reviews:

Here is an article that could be helpful 

(2003). Measuring inconsistency in meta-analyses by Higgins, Thompson, Deeks,& Altman

Take a look in the Cochrane Library

You can also look in PubMed Clinical Queries  The draw back with that database is that it is a citation database.  Once you find a systematic review, you may have to request it through our document delivery service if you are unable to locate it in the Library.

You can also look in Medline Ultimate. When searching in Medline Ultimate, add the keyword "systematic review" to your search terms. For example:  hospice "systematic review"

There is also an option in the advanced search of this database under Publication Type for Meta-Analysis

CINAHL Ultimate has an option in the advanced search for Clinical Queries.  It includes reviews.  Scroll through the box until you see Review.  You can choose all three options by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on each option.

There is also an option for Meta Analysis under Publication Type

Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT)

Medline Complete and Cinahl are good places to go for RCTs.  You can search both of them by adding "randomized controlled trials" to your search term.  For example:  hospice "randomized controlled trials"

For both of them, there is an option under Publication Type to limit to Randomized Controlled Trials.

For Cinahl:

For Medline Complete: