Tosey, P., Visser, M., & Saunders, M. (2011). The origins and conceptualizations of ‘triple-loop’ learning: A critical review. Management Learning, 43(3), 291-307.
Note: This can be found under Course Resources - Course Documents.
Sulmasy, L. S., López, A. M., & Horwitch, C. A. (2017). Ethical implications of the electronic health record: In the service of the patient. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 32(8):935-939. doi: 10.1007/s11606-017-4030-1
Note: This can be found under Course Resources - Course Documents.
Sulmasy, L. S., López, A. M., & Horwitch, C. A. (2017). Ethical implications of the electronic health record: In the service of the patient. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 32(8):935-939. doi: 10.1007/s11606-017-4030-1.
Note: This can be found under Course Resources - Course Documents.
Greysen S.R., Hoi-Cheung D., Garcia V., et al. Missing pieces—functional, social, and environmental barriers to recovery for vulnerable older adults transitioning from hospital to home. J Am Geriatrics Soc. 2014;62:1556–1561.
Note: This can be found under Course Resources - Course Documents.
Geller G., Harrison K.L., Rushton C.H. Ethical challenges in the care of children and families affected by life-limiting neuromuscular diseases. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2012;35:548–561.
Note: This can be found under Course Resources - Course Documents.
Hunter-Johnson, L., Von Koenig, J., & Wheeler, W. L. (2016). Cryonic preservation of a patient dying from head trauma. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 19(5), 475-476.
Note: This can be found under Course Resources - Course Documents.
Unit 8
Wallace, C. L., Thielman, K. J., Cimino, A. N., & Rueda, H. A. (2017). Ethics at the end of life: A teaching tool. Journal of Social Work Education, 53(2), 327-338.
Note: This can be found under Course Resources - Course Documents.
Schuster, M. L., Russell, A. B., Bartels, D. M., & Kelly-Trombley, H. (2013). “Standing in Terri Schiavo's shoes”: The role of genre in end-of-life decision making. Technical Communication Quarterly, 22(3), 195-218.
Note: This can be found under Course Resources - Course Documents.
Ouellette, N., Barbieri, M., & Wilmoth, J. R. (2014). Period-based mortality change: Turning points in trends since 1950. Population & Development Review, 40(1), 77-106. doi:10.1111/j.1728-4457.2014.00651.x
Note: This can be found under Course Resources - Course Documents.