Associations are a great place to find information about a career like continuing education, topics of interest for that field, and even networking. A Google search for your field and the word association, should help you find what you need.
An example: nurse practitioner association
Most association websites will end in .org. But, once in a while an association website will end in .com like the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
You could also search associations located near you by adding your state to the search.
nurse practitioner association california
Once you find an association you are interested in, take a look to see what offer their members in the way of continuing education resources. That could conferences, continuing education (CE) courses, books, or an association journal. For example the American Association of Nurse Practitioners has information about continuing education programs under the tab labeled Education.
They also have a Job Center where job openings are posted. As well as information about professional development under the Practice/Professional tab
And their journals and newsletters can be found under the publications tab.
Many association websites have similar information. Look for words like, continuing education, CE, education, professional development, publications, journal, newsletter, conference, issues, current issues, and professional.
If you are having difficulty finding an association website, please contact the library.