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Library Resources for HA499

Request an Article through the Document Delivery Service

Document Delivery allows you to request articles from periodicals to which the Library does not subscribe.  Library staff will then seek out the article through another library or Copyright Clearance Center's "Get It Now" service, and deliver it to you electronically.  The Library currently provides electronic Document Delivery to students, staff, and faculty at all of our university's schools and campuses, with the exception of students enrolled through Open College.

Fill out the form below to request an article.

About Article & Document Delivery

Please Note: 

  • Most article requests will be completed in 1-2 business days,
  • More for rare or difficult to find materials can take up to 7-10 business days.
  • Students cannot request required, assigned readings and articles may not be shared with other students.
  • Our ability to fill your request may be limited by the availability of the requested document from our partner lenders and lending institutions.
  • Library staff are available to work on requests Monday - Friday (excluding official university holidays). 

More notes about the Article & Document Delivery Service:

  •  There is a limit of 5 simultaneous requests and currently a 30 article lifetime limit on the number of articles the library will provide an individual.  Students who have reached this limit should contact Library staff to discuss options.
  • Article delivery is free of charge to you, but the library incurs fees for requests.  We reserve the right to cancel any request that will result in a prohibitively expensive charge to the library.
  • Providing incomplete or inaccurate information about the requested item may cause a delay in processing.
  • Entire issues of periodicals are not available for borrowing. 
  • No more than 2 articles from the same issue of a periodical may be requested per user.
  • If there is a journal that you are interested in and we do not have access to, please contact us about it and we will consider subscribing to it.  Please do not request multiple articles from the same periodical/journal. 
  • You will be notified via e-mail when a document arrives or if we are unable to fill a request. Articles are delivered electronically and can be downloaded by downloading the attachment in the notification email or following the link provided (note: links will sometimes require a password, also included in the email). 
  • Indicate your “needed by” date on the request form and we will try to get the material before that date.  If no date is indicated, the request will remain active until all possible sources are exhausted, or for two months from request date, at which time the request will be canceled.

Alternative Access to Articles: If your article is not available through the delivery service, you have the option to find it in a local library, to purchase it from an online or local seller, or possibly, for older or out of print materials, find it online. Please contact the library if you’d like to explore your options with a librarian.

At any time, the Library reserves the right to change the policies concerning Article & Document Delivery in order to better fit student and Library needs.