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School of Health Sciences Library Page

Peer Reviewed

Peer Review

During your studies, you will be asked to find peer reviewed articles to support your ideas. 

For more information click on this resource that explains the peer review process.

Searching for Peer Reviewed Articles

The easiest way to  search for peer reviewed articles is by clicking on Peer Reviewed located just below the search button on the library's homepage.

By clicking on that, the search results will be filtered to show peer reviewed articles.

This resource shows were that option is located in most of the different databases we have access.

Making Sure an Article has been Peer Reviewed

There are a couple of ways to find out of an article is not just scholarly but actually peer reviewed.

The first way is to take a look at its detailed record of the article.  To do that, click on the title of the article while in the results list.

On the next screen, scroll down to Journal Subset.  There, if the article is peer reviewed, it might be listed.

However, even if you do not find that information in the detailed record, that doesn't mean that the article is not peer reviewed. 

There is one other way to see if an article was published in a peer reviewed journal and that's by going to the journal's website.

This journal has it right on their homepage that it is peer reviewed.
Most of them will have it on the About page.
You may need to click on some headings to find an indication it is peer reviewed.
In most cases, the journal will simply say it is peer reviewed.  For this journal, the first indication it is peer reviewed is that there is information for the Reviewers.