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Guide to Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY)

Buros Webinar Series

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Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print

What is Mental Measurements Yearbook? 

This database is a key resource for students reviewing testing instruments and researching test reliability and validity, especially those students taking PS505: Testing, Measurement, and Assessment.

The Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) is produced by the Buros Center for Testing at the University of Nebraska. This resource is essential for evaluating contemporary testing instruments. The MMY database contains full-text reviews for test products in psychology, education, business and leadership. 

To be included in the MMY, a test must be commercially available, published in the English language and be new or revised since it last appeared in the series.

Volumes in the MMY series are produced every three years.

Please note: This database has a maximum of 4 simultaneous users. If the limit is reached, please try accessing again later.

Primary Features

  • Over 3,000 full-text reviews of contemporary testing instruments, plus all previous editions of the yearbook dating back to 1938 (10,000+ full-text reviews).
  • Descriptive entry information (test purpose, publisher, pricing, population and scores) and edited reviews written by leading content area experts.
  • MMY Archive, providing all yearbooks from the first edition in 1938 through the present edition.
  • Tests in Print (TIP), test reviews published in the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) series. TIP provides vital information about tests including test purpose, intended test population, administration times, scores generated, price, test publisher, in-print status, test acronym, publication dates and test authors. 

How Do I Access MMY?


Access MMY from the Library homepage via the All Databases A-Z link. Or access the database anytime with the link below: