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The assigned textbook can be found in the EBSCO eBooks database. You can access the book with the link below. See the Readings and other relevant sections of your course for directions on which chapters to review for each unit or module.
Please read Chapters 1 and 2 of
Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications
Please read Chapters 5 of
Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications
Please read Chapters 6 and 7 of
Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications
Please read Chapters 10 of
Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications
Please read Chapters 12 of
Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications
Please read Chapters 14 of
Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications
Please read Chapters 8 of
Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications
Please read Chapters 15 of
Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications
Please read Chapters 16 and 17 of
Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications