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Library Resources for CJ246
Required Readings
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Required Readings
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Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
National Sex Offender Public Website
Unit 1
Bean, F. D., & Lee, J. (2009). Plus ça Change...? Multiraciality and the dynamics of race relations in the United States. Journal of Social Issues, 65(1), 205–219.
Smedley, A. (1998). "Race" and the construction of human identity. American Anthropologist, 100(3), 690–702.
Unit 2
Albardiaz, R. (2014). Teaching non-verbal communication skills: An update on touch. Education for Primary Care: An Official Publication of the Association of Course Organisers, 25(3), 164–165.
Okech, J. A., Pimpleton, A. M., Vannatta, R., & Champe, J. (2015). Intercultural communication: An application to group work. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 40(3), 268–293.
Walker, A. (2011). Racial profiling - Separate and unequal keeping the minorities in line - The role of law enforcement in America. St. Thomas Law Review, 23(4), 576–619.
Unit 3
Khan, S. R. (2014). Post 9/11: The impact of stigma for Muslim Americans. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 20(4), 580–582.
Dettlaff, A. J., & Fong, R. (2016). Immigrant and refugee children and families: Culturally responsive practice. Columbia University Press.
Chapter 9
Unit 4
Suárez-Orozco, M. M., & Qin-Hilliard, D. (2004). Globalization: Culture and education in the new millennium. University of California Press.
Chapter 8
Rodriguez, C. E. (2000). Changing race: Latinos, the census and the history of ethnicity. NYU Press.
Chapter 1
Surana, K. (2017). Undocumented on patrol. Foreign Policy, (226), 11–12.
Unit 5
Garroutte, E. M. (2003). Real Indians: Identity and the survival of Native America. University of California Press.
Chapter 2
Unit 7
Dunn, R. A. (2016). Racial Profiling: A persistent civil rights challenge even in the twenty-first century. Case Western Reserve Law Review, 66(4), 957-992.
Torres Burtka, A. (2015). In pursuit of justice. American History, 50(5), 60-63.
Epp, C. R., Maynard-Moody, S., & Haider-Markel, D. (2017). Beyond profiling: The institutional sources of racial disparities in policing. Public Administration Review, 77(2), 168–178.
Unit 9
Lancaster, R. N. (2003). The trouble with nature: Sex in science and popular culture. University of California Press.
Chapter 18
Pascoe, C. J. (2007). Dude, you’re a fag: Masculinity and sexuality in high school. University of California Press.
Chapter 3
Rothbtum, E. D. (2000). Sexual orientation and sex in women's lives: Conceptual and methodological issues. Journal of Social Issues, 56(2), 193–204.
Stewart-Winter, T. (2015). Queer law and order: Sex, criminality, and policing in the late twentieth-century United States. Journal of American History, 102(1), 61–72.
Unit 10
Sereni-Massinger, C., & Wood, N. (2016). Improving law enforcement cross cultural competencies through continued education. Journal of Education and Learning, 5(2), 258–264.
McCarty, R. (2015). Commentary: Community policing: A mechanism for successful assimilation of immigrant cultures into our communities. Public Administration Review, 75(3), 443–444.
Cooper, J. A. (2015). Twentieth-century influences on twenty-first-century policing: Continued lessons of police reform. Lexington Books.
Chapter 9
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