Library News Blog

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profile-icon Matt Stevons
The PG Library is happy to announce expanded librarian chat service hours and availability!  The new chat hours will start Wednesday, April 22, 2020: 
Sunday - Tuesday: 10:00 am ET - 10:00 pm ET
Wednesday - Saturday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm ET
To offer expanded service hours, the PG Library is joining a cooperative of libraries to provide expanded chat assistance to students.  PG's librarian team will still monitor and answer chat Monday to Friday, but librarians within the cooperative provide chat on Saturdays and Sundays (and help us out on other days as needed).  This means you'll be able to get research assistance 7 days a week!  Additionally, you may notice the chat interface has changed a little, as we also had to change our chat platform to participate in the chat cooperative.  One of the benefits is we can now link to chat in far more places than we could before.
As always, all PG students and faculty are also welcome to email us at or schedule a 1-on-1 web meeting appointment.  
profile-icon Matt Stevons

The PG Library works with information publishers and vendors to periodically bring free resources and trials for use by our students and faculty.  During the month of April, we have free trial access to three different resources.  First, IBISWorld will mostly appeal to business or any other student needing market and industry research and information.  The other databases are aimed at psychology and education students needing information on tests and measures, Mental Measurements Yearbook and APA PsycTests.  


Gain a quick and intelligent overview of thousands of global industries with IBISWorld.  According to IBISWorld, the features include:

Screenshot of an IBISWorld report.

  • Comprehensive data and analysis that is easy to read and digest
  • Reports available that cover industries in the US, Canada, Australia, Germany, UK and New Zealand
  • Copy & paste our charts, graphs and images for use in presentations and decks
  • Individual reports are 30-40 pages and all follow the same table of contents
  • All reports available with subscription to our online library, plus the option to download as a PDF
  • Reports updated frequently

Try IBISWorld. 

Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print

Available from EBSCO and using their familiar search interface, this is how the vendor describes this database: Produced by the Buros Center for Testing at the University of Nebraska, this resource is essential for evaluating contemporary testing instruments. Designed for novices and professionals alike, it contains full-text reviews for test products in psychology, education, business and leadership. In addition, it provides a bibliography to all known commercially available English-language tests currently in print.

Try Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print.

APA PsycTests

Description from the APA: Professionally indexed, the PsycTESTS® database is an extensive collection of items associated with psychological measures, scales, surveys, and other instruments essential to the research needs of professionals, students, and educators across the behavioral and social sciences.

Try APA PsycTests.

Have feedback?

The PG Library greatly values the feedback of our students, faculty, and staff.  To tell us what you think about any of these databases, fill out our Database Trial Feedback form.  


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