In 2023, the PG Library reached out to our academic community for journal recommendations. Faculty and school leadership came up with about 150 recommendations at the time. We are happy to report that we’ve made good progress on this. Around two dozen of these titles we added last spring with a set of journals from Elsevier, with some others coming in through additions in EBSCO. 

In exciting news that will add even more journals to our collections today, we now have access to Sage Premier. Sage was the publisher with the most requested titles. Sage Premier not only adds the 40+ requested Sage titles made to us, but Sage’s catalog of over 1,000 peer reviewed journals. Coverage for each title starts from 1999, when applicable, and runs through the present so you have access to the latest issues of each Sage title. Sage journals will also appear in search results lists from EBSCO Discovery, so they will naturally show up when you’re researching from the library’s homepage. 

With this addition, 87 of the requested titles are now available, more than cutting our list in half. However, since Sage Premier includes over 1000 titles, we’ve not only heavily addressed our requested titles wish list, but exceeded expectations and gone beyond it. We believe the new content is helpful for your studies, across all programs, whether you are a faculty or a student. 

Visit Sage Premier now.

For a full list of titles added since the journal recommendation project, open this spreadsheet (Google Sheets). 

If there are titles we are still missing you feel are vital to your field of teaching or study, fill out the Resource Recommendation Form