For some users, EBSCO Discovery and EBSCO databases can result in an error message when using OpenAthens to authenticate. You may see an OpenAthens error message of "Looping - SP redirecting back to the login point" when trying to authenticate. We are aware of the issue and working with EBSCO and OpenAthens support on a resolution. At this time, no other databases are affected.

We have confirmation from several students that clearing cookies or using Incognito mode in Chrome resolved the issue for them. You can find information about clearing cookies and using Chrome's Incognito mode on the Library's FAQ. Read the "How do I clear cookies or use Chrome's Incognito Mode?" FAQ. Don't forget to restart your browser after clearing cookies. 

We have also made changes to the embedded EBSCO Discovery search box on the library's home page, in an effort to resolve this issue. After clearing cookies, don't go to PG Campus > My Studies > Library. Avoid this link. Instead, try the following after clearing cookies or using Incognito mode:

If going directly to the revised home page doesn't work, try clearing cookies and restarting your browser again, then come back to this blog entry and try the embedded EDS search box below:

EBSCO Discovery Service

Limit Your Results



If clearing cookies and the above doesn't help, use these alternative links to EBSCO Discovery and EBSCO databases to conduct your research:

If you still cannot access EBSCO content, please contact the library with the following information:

  • Your operating system (Windows 11 or MacOS)
  • Browser (Chrome, Edge, etc.)
  • Internet Service Provider (Xfinity, RCN, Optimum, etc.)
  • Troubleshooting that you tried already

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to anyone affected.