Today you may notice a new link when using EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), the search box on our homepage. In addition to the Full Text Finder link you see when EDS is linking out to sources external to EBSCO, like from ProQuest, HeinOnline, or other publishers and vendors, you'll now see a Locate Full Text link for articles. The Locate Full Text link is powered by LibKey, a tool that helps quickly connect you to articles, whether they're in a library database or published for free online.
The way it works is as follows:
- Click the Locate Full Text link.
- In a new browser tab, you'll see see either:
- A LibKey page with a direct link to the article.
- EBSCO's Full Text Finder tool as a backup, for instances when LibKey can't find it.
After the first time you see the LibKey page in a session, you can actually tell it to remember your preferences, and it will just forward you to the article with no intermediary page. This should save you a lot of time finding the full text of articles, as EBSCO's native Full Text Finder tool sometimes could only link to a journal's homepage, for instance. If LibKey knows where the article is it will always bring you directly to it.
LibKey also has a browser plugin called LibKey Nomad that will help link to the full text of works when browsing websites and search engines like Google Scholar and Wikipedia. Visit the LibKey Nomad information page for more on this plugin.
Additionally, LibKey has a companion tool called BrowZine, which offers a different way to browse through journals available from the PG Library's subscriptions. Visit the BrowZine homepage.
More training on these tools will be available in the future, but we wanted to enable them as quickly as possible to help you get to the resources you need more efficiently. Please reach out to the library staff if you have any questions.