What's new?

Mergent Market Atlas replaces Mergent Online as your first destination for public company information and research. The interface is updated and much easier to use, while still providing in-depth information about public companies, industries, countries, and more. 

Use Market Atlas to search for public companies based on name, location, industry, or fundamental data factors, then refine your report output and drill into companies for further research. Additional company search features allow you to explore sustainability, SEC filings, annual reports, independent research, and an extensive library of company reports.

What company content is available through Market Atlas?

  • Reuters global fundamentals – deep and timely financial content including standardized and as reported financials, along with accompanying fundamental ratios.
  • Refinitiv global equity end of day pricing and consensus estimate data, FTSE Russell Index returns and ICB classification data.
  • Refinitiv reference data sets – business descriptions and contact information, executive biographies and compensation data.
  • FTSE Russell ESG Reports, Mergent Independent research reports, Mergent fundamental reports, SEC filings, company annual reports, company sustainability reports, institutional and insider holdings data, company news.

What type of companies are included?

  • Global, active public companies.

What additional non-company content is available through Market Atlas?

  • FTSE Russell index total return data
  • Mergent economic time series data
  • Mergent industry reports
  • Dunn & Bradstreet Country Risk Profile and Country RiskLine reports.

How do I get to it? 

Access Mergent Market Atlas now.