This book has an explanation of the different tools to use and the different research methods.
For Unit 9 the assignment is to create and evaluate an intervention for an organization. The tips below will help you find information on research design, competency based staff training and reinforcement plan for staff.
To find resources that talk about research design, begin in the large search box on the SEARCH page of this guide, and type: "research design" organizational behavior management
Use the quotation marks so that the words are searched for together. You can also try searching without the quotation marks, too. If you know the research design you would like to use, you can also search for that by putting it into the top search box rather than "research design"
You can try mixing up the quotation marks to see how that changes the search.
If the articles are not helpful for you, you can also limit the results so that only books or ebooks appear. To do that, look down along the left hand side of the results page for the heading Limit by Publication Types and select eBooks. The screen will automatically refresh and only books will appear.
For this part of the assignment, the database PsycARTICLES is a good place to start. To find thatl, look on the right hand side of the library's homepage for Databases A-Z
Scroll down until you see PsycARTICLES and click on that.
In the database, type into the search box, exactly: "competency based" "staff training" ABA
If the results are not ideal for your assignment, try dropping some of the keywords and switching the order of the rest. For example:
"staff training" competencies
You could also try searching with the search box on the library's home page or trying an advanced search and selecting psychology from the list of disciplines.
The same type of searching can be done for reinforcement plan. The keyword to try is: "reinforcement plan" with the quotation marks.
For all of these, remember to take a look at subject headings of articles that you like to see if there are any phrases or words to use in a search. Unit 7 shows you how to do that.